QuickHit Gel


For prompt control over foot warts and other hoof problems.

  • Quickly decreases pain and inflammation.
  • Hoof Trimmer's formula allows for longer contact time.
  • Helps control bacteria thought to be the cause of foot warts and foot rot.
  • Forms a barrier with staying power even under normal dairy conditions. 
  • No initial pain from upon application.
  • No need to wrap
  • Antibiotic FREE

QuickHit Gel is specially formulated to adhere to the wart allowing longer contact time and better penetration of it's active ingredients, decreasing inflammation and the pain associated with it.  It causes the dead cells of the epidermis to shed more readily allowing easier access to the underlying bacteria and stimulating cellular renewal.

QuickHit Gel is formulated to be utilized straight out of the bottle for severe cases, diluted 1:1 to brush squirted or dabbed on.  This allows a single product to be used by Hoof Trimmers and Dairymen alike.  One product with multiple applications improves storage concerns and allows for more choices when treating.


 Wisconsin hoof trimmer, Chris Bauer using QuickHit Gel 1:1 with water for the treatment of digital dermatitis showing how quickly it absorbs.